Body: mari mencuba!!!
Main 3 o 4 Patah perkataan..SILA SAMBUNG CITER NI sure bestnyer...huhu
JANGAN DI 'REPLY'..hanye perlu di "COPY PASTE' then POST BULLETIN...k
al kisahhhhh.....
Miss Queen : pada satu petang
aizat ; aku jalan jalan
mich_muchi: jumpa atok aku
aizat ; mntak duit rm1
@r@ :atok bg pelempang!
hafiz ; pipi aku sakit..
Saz aka Honey : Aku terus ngajuk
Haz_iq :lari blik rumah
( luv)+(luv)=2(luv) : cta kat mak..
Syafiq_Manu07 :mak lempang atok....
hAn!s : gigi atok cabut...
n@z_rin: dan trus nangis..
aLin ; kesian nye atokk !
reza : atuk lari rumah....
wandi : naik bus rapid!!!
Zack : rapid langgar atok!!
arull; atok bwat slamber
BlackUrsa: sbb atok kuat!!!
A D L | : mkn pil kuda!!!
S Y A F | K : jadi nafsunya kuda
Izzat : atok minum kopi jantan !!!!!
Rey : kopi tu basi
lyna n nyna:tp minum jugop!!
nawal : smpai ttelan gigi palsu..
akmalhaziq ; sampai atok tercekik!!!
NazatulAqeela : atok msok ospital !
aremie: atok ngorat nurse !
nabila: nurse layan jek at0k..
aremie: atok n nurse couple...!!!
yumie : tapi tak lame
ary93: coz nurse tu pondan!!!
yuyu the spy : atuk ngorat nurse laen !!
fiqah : nurse lain x teringin
gyler coklat : atok tak hensem !
zack l|l : atok pon ensemkan diri .
gyler coklat : atok takan hensem .
who i care : atok tade gg .
sam jonas : atok beli gigi baru
gyler coklat : kedai ggi tutop !
siputsedut : atok pown jalan kaki blek umah..
over acting : atok lupe uma atok kat mane ..
shah jer..: atok call sayer.....
siputsedut : tp polis yg dtg....
abg cho : polis tangkap atok
siputsedut : atok terajang polis tuh..
Budak kerex:polis tepon tentere udare
tqah:tentere udara mls lyn..
sabie : tntre udra tepon tntre laot
reez:tntre laot dtg kt atok
igeee:dy lmpang atok plx.........
samantha : atok naek mara!!
yum : atok bukak silat sudu..
dd : sudu atok ilang pulak...
eddy:atok bkak kung fu bruce lee..
dd : tp gne brus gg..
yum : berus jenama atokmu power..
Rocky: berus rosak, atok buang..
TH!S-PLAY NA@ME: atok guna sabun...
i-ling P&M l 93's : atuk kata sabun busuk...
Rocky: sabun pun atok baling...
TH!S-PLAY NA@ME: kena tentera US....
i-ling: atuk diserang atuk diitembak
TH!S-PLAY NA@ME: atuk pun mati...
Rocky: Ish.. ish... ish....
i-ling : atuk masuk ICU ish
anis:x de sape melawat atok
lila : tbe2 ade sorg mak nyah lawat atuk..
dany : abes dliwat atok mak nyah tuh!!
jZsAyUyan : atok nfsu kude..hha
fiy.: mak nyah pn redha jerr
azah: kesteaman bergande gande
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Aku Melayan Bende Ini Di Myspace ;
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 7:11:00 PM
She Love ;
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 5:00:00 PM
Monday, November 23, 2009
Levi's ? ;
Wahai kekasih ku,Aku cinta padamu.Namun kau telah patah dua.Apakan daya.Mummy tidak merestui kita bersama.Aku tetap menguburi-mu di atas meja ku.Aku raba kau selalu.Walau kau tidak sempurna rupa bentuk.Izin-kan aku menerima orang baru.Mumy menempah nya dahulu.Aku akur kerana sangat berfungsi bagiku.Sanggup kah kau melihat ku buta penglihatan.Aku sentiasa cinta pada mu.Spectacles Levi's - ku :)-dalam proses pembikinan cermin mata baru by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 3:44:00 PM
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
November 18,2.57 a.m ;
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 2:57:00 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Husna's birthday ;
"Happy Birthday Sayang-16th.Lots of Love Blast you"
-Sory gila babi because cant attend your party this evening, Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 6:46:00 PM
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Taubat-an Nasuha ;
Seriously,I cant imagine if it will happen in few minutes later.And last night I watched National Geography about Yellowstone.And the sentence of the UCSI scientist same clue with the movie above.God bless me.
-Banyak mengucap tengok cite ni.Alhamdullilah by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 1:39:00 AM
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hearts and Minds
"Hari ini Azh ponteng.Balik rumah.Guling-guling,Tanak naik pentas.Nyanyi nyanyi."
-Pelajar esok cuti oh by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 10:25:00 AM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Formal Barbie Q ;

sincere from azh major life ketika jam 1:46:00 AM
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Overnight.I love all this bitch ;

sincere from azh major life ketika jam 11:19:00 AM
Friday, November 6, 2009
Two is better than one ;
I remember what you wore on our first day.You came into my life.And I thought hey.You know this could be something,'Cause everything you do and words you say.You know that it all takes my breath away.And now I'm left with nothing.So maybe it's true, that I can't live without you.And maybe two is better than one.But there's so much time, to figure out the best in my life.And you've already got me coming undone.And I'm thinking two, is better than one.I remember every look upon your face,
The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste.You make it hard for breathing.'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away.I think of you and everything's okay.And finally now, believing.And maybe it's true, that I can't live without you.Well maybe two is better than one.But there's so much time, to figure out the best in my life.And you've already got me coming undone.And I'm thinking two, is better than one.Yeah, yeah.I remember what you wore on our first day.You came into my life.And I thought hey.Maybe it's true, that I can't live without you.Maybe two is better than one.But there's so much time, to figure out the best in my life.And you've already got me coming undone.And I'm thinking.Oooh I can't live without you.'Cause baby two is better than one.There's so much time, to figure out the best in my life.And I've figured out with all that's said and done.Two, is better than one
Two is better than one.-it doesnt matter for me.I just sympathy.Take care by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 10:05:00 PM
I love you anyways ;
Its 10 pm and your late again and i can understand what kept you so long now look at you wearing that shirt again dont you realize how ugly that thing is but even so i love you anyway no matter how things have gone you always have me now here it comes you complain again complain about everything its driving me mad now look at you wearing that shirt again dont you realize how ugly that thing is but even so i love you anyway no matter how things have gone you always have me.You always have me.
-overall its already become my soul,excuse me by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 11:45:00 AM
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Bloody Tired Day ;
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 10:19:00 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Learning psycho ?
Yeah people.I do love this thriller.Finding out the question of games and understand every words and clue.Its amazing baby.Do you dare to finding the jigsaw,yeah i'm friggin not patient for the Saw 6 honey.Lets psycho-ing people by rambling lots with un-looks messy hair :D

sincere from azh major life ketika jam 7:40:00 PM
Attend Chemistry class only ;
Hello Wednesday.A formal day kene pakai tudung.Let me see,funny with that rules.Hari ini cuma ada 10/29 sahaja pelajar yang hadir.Aku rajin menghadirkan diri.Menghantar pesanan geram melalui telefon kepada Aimie yang tidak hadir.Namun,cuma Kimia sahaja berjalan lancar,mata pelajaran lain mati.Tiada apa dilakukan.Selesai,balik.
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 2:22:00 PM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I accept it.Thank you ;
I was young but I wasn't naive.I watched helpless as you turned around to leave.And still I have the pain I have to carry.A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried all this time I never thought we'd be here.When my love for you was blind.But I couldn't make you see it.Couldn't make you see it.That I loved you more than you'll ever know.A part of me died when I let you I would fall asleep.Only in hopes of dreaming.That everything would be like is was before.But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting.They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor.
-i was blind by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 12:47:00 AM
Sweet or sour talk ?
Hah.Is it dream or reality.Yeah.Realise that human talking much,Okay.I'm enough with my efford.Its because of you.Fake appreciation ? Fake feeling ? Main-main ? Tidak sama sekali.Sekian terima kasih.
-am i stalker,for this was.thank you
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 12:33:00 AM
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday-Futsal ;
Lemme say 'Sport week' yuhuu.Today after the punishment from teacher Law that very the blast because of paper Chemistry-Discussion,saya terima seadanya kerana terjahil ketika menjawab kertas peperiksaan kimia.Just let it be.Kecoh besar menjadi bara.Tiada kesan bagiku,mengapa ? Perasaan gundah atau kecewa tidak timbul kerana perasaan berbeda antara sekolah juga masa depan.Akhir,berlari ke sana ke mari untuk menangkap foto.Bergembiralah creatures ;
-gambar akan di-muat turun kemudian.selesai aku kembali by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 2:40:00 PM
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Moisterque Evening ;
Hey,i am stepping around the college rite now.Oh,windy whole place.I am mention new term 'aerenchyma' which is a plant tissues with numerous air-filled spaces between the cells.It occurs in the stems and roots of many aquatic plants where it aids buoyancy and facilitates transport of oxygen around the plant,that i can call as pelampung haemoglobin.Sigh.Finish,di sana comforter memanggil.Selamat tinggal ;Today.I love you heartbeat
-i am struggling for english science and technology by Azh
sincere from azh major life ketika jam 6:17:00 PM